Semester 5—Donating Items for Shade Tree

I organized a donation drive for Shade Tree in conjunction with my classmate, Nikita Malhotra. Nikita and I sent an e-mail to the 2014 occupational therapy cohort asking them to bring in some items to donate; we were to collect these items and deliver them following week. I grew as a leader in my ability to deal with logistical issues, which turned out to be more nuanced than we had originally planned: Nikita and I had to be flexible and work with many of our classmates to bring items on the a different day. I intentionally led by example, being among the first to donate some toiletries. I communicated with people who had schedule conflicts and made sure to accommodate their schedule by extending the due date. I learned how essential communication is to being a leader. Communicating with Nikita and the other students in the cohort was vital in order to donate as many items as possible but still make a reasonable delivery time.

Items the cohort donated to Shade Tree